A smaller set of updates this time around, some tweaks and improvements to previous features and a number of bug fixes.
- Improvements to Bahtinov focus assistant when selecting a small area
- Proper 16 bit image support for FWHM and contrast detection focus scores
- FWHM focus score will warn if target star saturates or selected area too big
- Limit rate of histogram update to prevent CPU overload/hang
- Fix crash when capturing single frame
- Automatically change to single frame file formats for exposure >5s, video file formats for exposures <5s
- Disable camera menu while opening a camera from application startup – prevents selecting a different camera while this is in progress
- Fix install directory to be different to SharpCap 2.0/2.1, so both can be installed side-by-side
- Moving the transform/histogram/focus ROI while instantly update when exposure is more than 1s, no more waiting until the next frame arrives (Not ASCOM or DirectShow cameras)
As usual, builds can be downloaded from the Downloads Page. Earlier beta builds will also offer this build as an auto-update.